Maybe, you have a Facebook page, already or, maybe, you have created a Facebook user giving “him” your company name. Now, however, you do not know how to hande it to make it “a page” and, mostly, you don’t have any idea to avoid losing the thirty frends you are connected with.

Next, maybe, you have built your youTube channel, because it seemed great to publish your video video footages shot with your smartphone, so Google has created uour Google Plus user and page, automatically.

Following online newspapers and their breaking news, you discovered lots of journalists using Twitter to express their opinions, so you plunged in the creation on a further, brand new social account and, after adding your basic information, a header image, the logo ready-made by your expert friend, you found yourself – some months later – yet again with a great opportunity in hands, but with no content at all.

Yes, social media are a great opportunity to be seized. Creating an account is easy and – above all – FREE so for a decade. do-it-yourself has been the main rule. Everyone has at least an internet-expert cousin, seen as a genius or a hacker by the whole family and claiming to be able do the most impressive magics with design, social media channels and the Internet.

No, they don’t.

Social Network Opportunity

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Youtube are and remain a valid marketing opportunity if updating your contents on them is authentic and done on a daily basis. Cutting and pasting pet picturess, aphorisms and fake news, is not only unuseful, but above all harmful for your online reputation and your website performance and trust. Yes, updating social media channels requires time and lots of fresh ideas to regularly attract your customers..

For you with no time to spend or a lack of ideas for publishing there is Asgard and its Internet experts to help you to choose the social media channels which best fit your busines, to best create on them needed accounts. to improve and optimize already published contents, to start-up social media marketing plans and last but not least, to continuously publish your updates and your brand new contents.

In a few days, your presence on major social network will grow and so your brand awareness, either for your loyal client or for your prospect yet to be acquired customer.

Lastly, thanks to your actions on Social Networks, even the organic ranking on search engines will improve, climbing the SERPs.

Do you want to know more?? Contact us we will analyze your social presence and give back a detail – free – report.